Elevate Performance, Transform Leadership

Imagine an intimate weekend focused solely on optimizing your performance and well-being as a leader.

The Balanced Performance Executive Retreat, led by former plastic surgeon, Dr. Susan Lovelle, offers this exclusive experience. Be transformed into a peak-performing executive who uplifts your entire organization.

There's a lot at stake.

Let us show you a better way.

Your team needs you at your best. Yet, you often sideline your health for the job, with long hours, back-to-back meetings, and travel squeezing out time for well-being.

There's a culture of expected toughness and invulnerability that can make it tough to tackle health head-on. But ignoring the warning signs can turn small issues into big risks—for you, your employees, and your business. Here's what it's costing you:

  • Chronic Stress and Burnout: Executives often operate under high-pressure conditions, leading to chronic stress and, ultimately, burnout.

  • Impaired Energy & Decreased Cognitive Function: The demanding nature of executive roles can lead to inconsistent energy levels, negatively impacting productivity and decision-making.

  • Lifestyle-Related Chronic Conditions: The sedentary lifestyle and time constraints of executive work can increase the risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and osteoarthritis.

  • Hormone Imbalances: Stress-induced fluctuations in hormones like cortisol, testosterone, estrogen, and thyroid can affect sleep, weight, fertility, and libido, making your life more of a daily struggle.

  • Higher Healthcare Costs: Both you and your employees will spend more on medications, office visits, and hospitalizations that may often be avoided.

The Balanced Performance Executive Retreat

Designed for the forward-thinking leader, this retreat offers an immersive journey through holistic health, performance optimization, and strategic visioning.

Why This Retreat?

Dr. Susan believes in the power of immersive experiences to ignite lasting change. Retreats offer an opportunity to step away, recalibrate, and return to the corporate sphere rejuvenated. They are designed to empower attendees with strategies for sustained energy, balance, and focus, ultimately fostering a more vibrant and productive company culture.

Over the three days, you'll do more than simply relax and recharge (although you'll certainly do that too!). You'll acquire tools and frameworks to nurture not just your own well-being, but to cultivate a culture of wellness that uplifts everyone under your leadership.

With sessions ranging from harmonizing hormones for cognitive clarity to mastering energy management for unparalleled productivity, this is an investment that promises exponential returns—personally, professionally, and organizationally.

Our Mission

"To be the game-changing solution that accelerates corporate success

by optimizing your performance."

Actionable strategies, Lifestyle Health.

Personal Benefits

01 / Understand

Bio-Marker Assessments

You can't improve what you don't understand.

Detailed pre-and post-retreat health screenings provide concrete data on upgrading your key bio-markers related to stress, sleep, and hormone balance.

02 / Measure

Performance Metrics

Gain insights into your personal performance metrics, including cognitive function, energy levels, and stress resilience, to better understand how lifestyle changes can boost professional effectiveness.

03/ Launch

Customized Action Plan

You'll walk away with a tailored, easy-to-implement lifestyle blueprint designed to optimize performance in both the personal and professional spheres.

Organizational Benefits

01 /

Leadership Enhancement

Your workforce will value what you value. Get practical training on how to infuse wellness and performance principles into leadership styles and corporate cultures.

02 / Measure

ROI Analysis Tools

Learn how to measure the ROI of corporate wellness, including lower healthcare costs and higher employee engagement, to substantiate bringing these programs into your organization.

03/ Launch

Team Productivity

Happy employees are more productive. Period.

Receive a toolkit for translating the benefits of lifestyle health into actionable strategies that can improve team productivity and reduce burnout rates.

It's Simple:

Catapult your success by inspiring a culture of health

What to Expect

Retreat "First Look"

At Your Transformational Lifestyle Health Experience

Luxurious Accommodations

Indulge in the pinnacle of comfort with our luxurious accommodations, where restful nights pave the way for energized days.

Delicious Lifestyle Meals

Savor our gourmet meals that blend exquisite taste with nutritional balance, fueling your body and mind with every bite.

Curated Spa Services

Embrace tranquility with our tailored spa services, designed to rejuvenate your senses and refresh your spirit.

Creativity Boost

Unlock innovative thinking and creative solutions through technology and activities designed to stimulate your mind and inspire breakthroughs.

Peer Networking

Connect with like-minded executives in an enriching environment, fostering valuable relationships that extend beyond professional boundaries.

Redefine Balance

Learn to embrace the art of work-life integration, discovering strategies to harmonize your personal health with professional ambition.

Your Host & Facilitator, Dr. Susan

"The Thrive Architect"

From Precision to Passion: My life has been a testament to transformation. After a fulfilling career as an award-winning plastic surgeon, where meticulous detail and external transformations were my daily landscape, I encountered a personal awakening. Healing my own health crises with lifestyle medicine unveiled a new path — one where I could foster profound, whole-body changes in others.

This revelation propelled me to establish Premiere Wellness, with a holistic approach centered on thriving throughout the 1440 minutes of every day. The Balanced Performance Retreat is the next evolution of my commitment: to guide high achievers like you in mastering their own well-being.

Why Retreats for Executives?: In the relentless pace of business, executives often sideline their well-being for corporate success. But true leadership starts within. Retreats provide a sanctuary for renewal, offering the strategic pause needed to reset and realign with purpose and health. Here, we'll embrace practices that recharge your body and mind, laying the foundation for enhanced decision-making, creativity, and leadership. It's where you'll cultivate not just personal health, but also the vitality of your entire organization.

As we embark on this journey, it's my mission to enable you to lead by example, giving you the personal and professional tools to create a ripple effect of wellness through the corridors of your company.

Your Movement Guru

David Allen, CPT, WLS

Tentative Schedule

Day One: Personal Reboot


Session 1: Welcome & Introduction

Set your intentions for the transformative journey ahead

Session 2: Personal Health Assessment

Engage in comprehensive bio-assessments and testing

Understand individual health baselines

Break & Refreshments

Enjoy nutrient-packed snacks

Optional quick movement session to rejuvenate

Session 3: Personalized Nutrition Workshop

Dive into the science of personalized nutrition

Learn how tailored eating can elevate your daily performance

Evening Break & Leisure

Personal time for relaxation, reflection, or spa services

Day Two: Corporate Vitality & Experiential Learning

Morning Meditation & Movement

Start with a revitalizing session of yoga or guided meditation

Breakfast Connections

Session 4: Company Health Metrics

Assess and understand your company’s wellness culture

Explore strategies for fostering a health-centric workplace

Session 5: Dynamic Movement Session

Experience SNAX: Movement tailored to enhance office ergonomics and energy

Lunch & Networking

Savor a gourmet, healthful meal

Connect with fellow leaders and share insights

Session 6: Strategy Immersion

Discover innovative health strategies for peak mental and physical performance

Participate in interactive learning with BrainTap technology

Session 7: Techniques Application

Hands-on session applying the day’s insights to real-world scenarios

Afternoon Break

Dinner & Reflection

Enjoy a nutritious, chef-curated dinner

Reflect on the learnings and prepare for the next day's blueprint creation

Day Three: Design Your Success Blueprint

Morning Meditation & Reflection

Breakfast Connections

Session 8: Crafting Your Personal Blueprint

Guided session to develop a personalized action plan for sustained lifestyle health

Wellness Break

Refresh with healthy snacks

Session 9: Company Wellness Blueprint

Design a comprehensive wellness blueprint tailored to your company’s needs

Lunch & Informal Q&A

Final networking lunch with open-ended discussions and Q&A

Wrap-Up & Departure by 3pm ET

Closing with awarding certificates of completion and Balanced Performance starter kits


Dr. Tamara

"The Gutsy Gynecologist"

Dr. Susan Lovelle is a powerhouse when it comes to public speaking! She quickly grabs your attention and earns your empathy as she shares her real-life story of destroying her health for her career, but then triumphing as she takes back her health, her life, and her future. She shares with the audience powerful, memorable ways to start taking control of their own

health and lives. She provokes positive energy and motivation for change. Her kind heart fills up every room speaks in!

Laura Piggott

Former VP Venture Banking, Signature Bank

"Our group of female investors, bankers and entrepreneurs thoroughly enjoyed Dr. Susan Lovelle's presentation on Thriving on the Road. She provided extremely relevant content for today's working woman who finds it difficult to balance healthy habits and self-care on-the-go. Also, I cannot rave enough about her presentation style. In today's world where most are "zoomed-out", she was engaging, open to questions throughout the presentation, and thoughtful in her approach. She was a huge hit with our group!"

Frequently Asked Questions

What outcomes can I expect from attending the retreat?

You can expect to leave the retreat with a personalized action plan for enhancing your health and energy levels, practical tools for stress management, improved productivity strategies, and a renewed sense of balance that aligns with your leadership role and personal life.

Who will benefit most from the Balanced Performance Executive Retreat?

This retreat is tailored for busy executives over 35 who are looking to elevate their personal health and professional performance. It's especially beneficial for those seeking to implement health-driven leadership and wellness strategies within their companies.

What does the retreat schedule look like, and how intensive are the sessions?

The retreat balances intensive learning with relaxation and networking. Sessions are designed to engage and inspire without overwhelming, allowing time for reflection, spa services, and personalized assessments to ensure that your experience is both transformative and restorative.

How does the retreat accommodate specific dietary requirements or restrictions?

Our retreat meals are curated to cater to a variety of dietary preferences and restrictions. Upon registration, you'll have the opportunity to specify any dietary needs so we can ensure your culinary experience supports your health and enjoyment.

What makes the Balanced Performance Executive Retreat different from other executive training programs?

Our retreat stands out by focusing on the integration of personalized lifestyle health into leadership and corporate success. It's not just about improving the bottom line; it's about fostering sustainable practices that enhance the well-being of leaders and their teams, paving the way for a culture of high performance and balance.

How can I justify taking time out for this retreat when my schedule is already so full?

Investing time in the Balanced Performance Executive Retreat is an investment in your most valuable resource: yourself. The retreat is meticulously designed to provide maximum benefit within a concise timeframe. By stepping away briefly, you'll gain effective, time-efficient strategies for personal and corporate wellness that will save you time in the long run, reduce burnout, and enhance productivity.

The retreat equips you with tools to make more impactful decisions and lead more effectively, ultimately creating more time for what truly matters in your professional and personal life.

Get in Touch

We look forward to answering any questions you may have!

Email: Renee@balancedperformance.pro


7718 Six Forks Rd, Suite 106

Raleigh, NC 27615

Office Hours

Mon – Thurs 9:00am – 6:00pm ET

Friday: 9-1pm ET

Saturday-Sunday: Closed



Call 919-925-5910

Email: Renee@balancedperformance.pro

Web: www.balancedperformance.pro

Copyright Allen Physicians, PLLC 2023. All rights reserved